I have been thinking a lot about politics these days. (And religion, culture, the future, etc.) Who hasn’t? Don’t blame yourself. You ever heard of the October Surprise? That’s a political trick that one party plays usually on the Thursday right before the election. They do that for maximum impact. Sometimes it works, sometimes it […]
Some Thoughts about the Present Situation
by Gail Sheppard [Editor’s note: As some of you know, George has to post for me because I get some stupid 503 error every time I try to do it myself. I know you all are experiencing some wonky problems too. We really appreciate you taking the time to let us know. It is so […]
The Blood of Christians Is the Seed of the Church
Just when things can’t get any bad for the Orthodox Christians in Ukraine, the Rada finally did what they promised to do: outlaw the canonical Orthodox Church. You can read this late-breaking story from our friends at Helleniscope here: https://www.helleniscope.com/2024/08/20/democracy-of-ukraine-bans-uoc-the-church-followed-by-70-of-orthodox-ukranians/ So much for “religious freedom.” It’s a sad story, not only because Ukrainian Christians are […]
More About the Shooter
by Gail Sheppard Remember when I said they got “THE WRONG GUY” with the shooter? I actually found the collage of pictures I put on this site on other browsers. Well, there is more to the story. Thomas Matthew Crooks’ Body Was ‘Gone’ When Rep. Tried to Examine: Report The body of the 20-year-old who […]
Yeah, it’s Because He’s a Jew
Back in 1964, the Republican Party nominated one of the most articulate conservatives of all time. Sen Barry Goldwater of Arizona, was a man of tremendous integrity and principle. He was for all practical purposes the godfather of the modern conservative movement. At 6 feet, he was every inch the frontier cowboy. He had the […]
In Case You Were Wondering, the Answer Is “No”
The answer is to this question: “Will the GOA leadership ever learn to stop being so cringy”? No. The answer is no. They never will. At least not in most people’s lifetimes. <—This won’t end well. Just ask the Piskies. What am I talking about exactly? Only this: Archbishop Elpidophoros of the GOA, the “Exarch […]
The Troubles Begin –in Britain
“The Troubles” was the slang term for the decades-long insurgency in Northern Ireland. The Irish Republican Army against the Ulster Volunteer Force; the Irish against the Scots-Irish; the Catholics against the Protestants. Imagine now the irony as this term is being revived to describe the racial, ethnic and religious riots that are erupting in England. […]
When Things Go Wrong
I’m a project manager by trade and I am 100% used to things going wrong. In fact, I know more about things going wrong than I do about everything going right. But I’ve never missed a date. This is true in regular life, too. Case in point. . . I signed up to be an […]
Cackling Kamala: America’s Ultimate Diversity Hire
I’ve already written about how Kamala Harris was used by Barack Obama to take out Joe Biden. It was a master-class in ingenuity if you ask me. A political intrigue worthy of the Byzantines at the height of their glory. So I got to give her that. That being said, she is still a walking, […]
Biden Agonistes
I’ve been thinking a lot about things lately. Politics, culture, religion, the state of the world. How close we are to civil war if not WWIII. Little things like that. Mind you, I’m not being black-pilled. Nor am I a pollyanna. Nosiree, Bob! not I. I tend to look at things with the cold, hard […]
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