There’s this meme going around (dozens actually) about cats and the Haitians who love to eat them. They’re all quite hilarious if you ask me. In my humble opinion (this one to the left), in particular is the best. Why? It’s funny but even more, it encapsulates what is wrong with our nation at present. […]
Context is Everything
In the news. . . By Solcyré Burga July 15, 2022 7:29 PM EDT The case of a 10-year-old girl who had to travel from her home in Ohio to Indiana to receive an abortion after being raped has become national news—and a major political issue following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. The […]
The Troubles Begin –in Britain
“The Troubles” was the slang term for the decades-long insurgency in Northern Ireland. The Irish Republican Army against the Ulster Volunteer Force; the Irish against the Scots-Irish; the Catholics against the Protestants. Imagine now the irony as this term is being revived to describe the racial, ethnic and religious riots that are erupting in England. […]
When Things Go Wrong
I’m a project manager by trade and I am 100% used to things going wrong. In fact, I know more about things going wrong than I do about everything going right. But I’ve never missed a date. This is true in regular life, too. Case in point. . . I signed up to be an […]