Steve Kirsch: “And we’re not the only state to have accomplished this feat. New
Hampshire is the US leader vaccinating 50% more people than there are people!”
‘ There’s a vaccine database kept by the CDC for each county in the US.
If you add up all the first doses administered to those over 65 in California, as of 1/4/2022, you find that 6,305,787 elderly got the shot.
There’s just one teeny weenie little problem.
The 2021 population of those over 65 in California was just 5,957,092.
So in California, we’ve vaccinated 3% more people than there are people.
And we’re not the only state where they’ve vaccinated more elderly people for COVID than there are elderly people in the state.
Florida, Maine, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and South Dakota all were able to vaccinate more people than people.
New Hampshire sets the standard for how to roll out vaccination to the elderly giving first doses to 50% more elderly people than there are in the state
New Hampshire deserves the credit for vaccinating over 50% more elderly people in the state than there are elderly in the state (401,119 over 65 vaccinated vs. an elderly population of 267,521).
You can’t make this stuff up. You really can’t.
Surely, these states should be acknowledged for having an amazingly successful COVID vaccine program? There should be a special Biden Award for this. … ‘
One commenter suggests billing fraud
may have something to do with this…
The False Claims Act (FCA). They should charge whoever reported it. Can you imagine a world where reporters could be fined to misrepresenting the truth? It wouldn’t be a perfect world, but it definitely would be a better world.
George Michalopulossays
Hopefully, the whole “preemptive pardon” theory will be taken to the Supreme Court. Hopefully they will rule that it is a nullity.
Preemptive pardons are legal and have been upheld by the Supreme Court, but they must apply to past crimes, not future crimes. Additionally, they could be challenged if issued for corrupt reasons. “Past” crimes would need to be identified as crimes to be considered pardonable. In Fauci’s case, he wasn’t convicted of any past crimes. The pardon covers him from January 1, 2014, to January 20, 2025. But a case could be made, if there was a crime in the beginning with wide-spread use of the mRNA vaccines with unacceptable side effects, particularly in Pfizer’s case, as they only tested 170 people according to the executive summary they handed to the FDA for emergency use. Fauci was the spokesperson who advised President Trump, as well as many presidents before him. That was his role in public health. He supported the vaccines and they are still being disseminated. Feb 1 is the future in terms of the pardon. If it was a crime that was pardon until January 20, it would seem to me he could be charged now. The pardon may have been given to give some of these people a chance to run. But with our technology, I doubt they can hide. – Plus, if he is convicted of an international crime, the pardon would not protect against global prosecution.
In terms of the press, think of the damage they did to President Trump. The press can be held legally accountable if they knowingly publish information that is harmful to individuals or the public. In the United States, such accountability primarily arises through defamation laws, which address false statements that damage a person’s reputation. Remember when Trump spoke about Hydroxychloroquine? They accuse him of being responsible for a woman who got the name wrong and drank her fish tank water (which I have read never happened). Remember when he mentioned Ivermectin. They accused him of recommending horse medicine. Their animosity was palatable. It got to the point where I would do anything he recommended, just because I mistrusted anything the MSM that much. The press acted like rabid animals when it came to President Trump. I’m obviously not the only one who feels this way. In a very real sense, the MSM helped to tank Harris, the candidate they thought was the “be all” to “end all”, BECAUSE THEY WERE SO WRONG ABOUT TRUMP, NO ONE TRUSTED THEM. Their numbers plummeted. If I were in charge, people like Rachel Maddow would be in jail, along with “The View!”
Defamation involves:
False and Defamatory Statement: A statement that is both untrue and injurious to someone’s reputation.
Publication: The statement must be communicated to a third party.
Fault: Depending on the context, the publisher must have acted negligently or with actual malice.Damages: The subject of the statement must suffer harm as a result.
‘ President Biden’s pardon of Dr. Anthony Fauci may protect the former National Institutes of Health official from immediate criminal prosecution, but some critics say he is not completely out of legal jeopardy and that public sentiment might still condemn the man who became known during the COVID-19 pandemic as “Mr. Science.” …
Richard Ebright, a professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University and co-founder of Biosafety Now, said that Fauci should have been prosecuted for “criminal conspiracy” for his secret involvement in the “proximal origin” paper. Ebright added that the grant Fauci gave to Andersen after he published the paper likely also involved criminal behavior.
With Republicans running both the Senate and House, investigations of Fauci will likely continue as members resume digging into any NIH culpability in funding research that started the pandemic. Trump’s CIA nominee, John Ratcliffe, told House members during a 2023 hearing that classified intelligence points toward a lab accident. Ratcliffe is likely to be confirmed, and a Trump transition team source said he would likely then declassify that information, further undermining Fauci’s claims that the pandemic started from a natural spillover.
Ongoing investigations of Fauci, RCI has been told, will only further erode his credibility, even if criminal charges can no longer be filed. “This pardon means he can no longer be brought to justice,” said an adviser to the Trump transition team. “But it guarantees he will be further exposed.” … ‘
He’s already getting death threats. He cried a little as he was testifying over all that. When you ask for a pardon, you have to tell them what you want to be pardoned for which can open up a can of worms for them. He’ll never work in his field again.
I saw Roger Stone’s name on a list. What did he do now? – You guys are going to be hit with some serious weather. We’ll be praying for you. It looks like Trump has been doing something with the people in your neck of the woods to get rid of the intelligence community. That’s good.
I can’t see the video, but it’s probably fierce looking. Well, I’m fierce, too, and sending all sorts of prayers and “whatever I have that is for your benefit” your way.
Actually, it’s a gentle video of Julie
singing to a small live audience
and playing accoustic guitar.
In my personal pantheon of female singers, Julie Felix
is right up there with Kathleen Battle and Joan Baez.
Indeed the older I get, the better Julie sounds.
As for the weather here, the trains are all cancelled.
But I’ve seen worse. And thanks for the prayers!
I’m fine, thanks.
Sadly a few people were killed
but very few as most took precautions.
However, one cafe owner in Glasgow did not.
He defied the elements by opening for business.
But even he closed up again shortly thereafter
as the wind severely damaged the shop,
ripping off the whole frontage and
scattering it to the winds
(as JFK might have said).
But this is really all small beer
compared to anything that you folks
experienced in the Carolinas or Florida.
The size of the Atlantic gives us good cushion.
I’m glad you’re OK. A few people is better than a lot to be sure. But pain is pain and we all feel it when anyone suffers.
Now planes are falling out of the sky. Don’t know if this is true, but apparently blackhawks can be intercepted remotely. Just like our cars.
As much as I would like to see Fauci’s crimes fully exposed, I am not holding my breath.
Why? Because exposing his crimes also exposes the United States’ responsibility for the worldwide pandemic, as Fauci did not – and indeed could not – have acted alone. Fully exposing his crimes also exposes the involvement of the DOD, CIA, and other state agencies, and I am doubtful that this will ever be allowed to be made public “in the interest of National security,” of course.
Does anyone imagine that the U.S. will ever accept responsibility before the entire world? I certainly don’t. They may find a way to make Fauci a scapegoat, but the truth of all his and other’s crimes will never come to light in this life.
There is no such thing as a preemptive pardon, which Fauci points out even as he accepts it. This is all a ruse so we won’t be looking for Trump to chop off his head just yet. The world has to levy their own collective punishment. It wouldn’t be right for just us Americans to have all the fun.
Fauci is a seriously bad guy.
Plus, I continue to believe that Biden isn’t “Biden.” Whoever he is, he works for the white hats because he kept executive order 13848 going for 4 years. Plus, he was enormously entertaining. The real Biden was a braggadocious bore. This Biden was hilarious. I loved it when he said, “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the . . .” It was too funny and he said it too often to be a mistake, once walking off a rural stage asking his handlers, “Did I do that OK?” with a big smile on his face. – And the bike thing, his legs looking nothing like an 80-year-old man’s, feeling around for the toe clip, or whatever they call it these days, so he could stage a fall. . . Or when he fell up the stairs. . . There are just too many wonderful moments to be dismissed.
Greetings! The 1914 article is the last one I have
bob karpodinissays
I can’t get all the comments and surely you have had another page other than Merry Christmas this month of January. Hope you can get it fixed. I miss you terribly.
We miss you, too, Marie! And yes, Bob, specifically George and I are having technical difficulties. (Thanks for using your own good Greek name!)
Our role as administrators has been corrupted. We can’t publish anything.
Was on the phone 7 HOURS with Go Daddy last night. All that test stuff is them, not us. 28 pages of documentation of pure insanity.
We have 5 core file issues according to Wordfence and they say Go Daddy, as the hosting provider, needs to fix them.
Go Daddy says, “Hi how can I help you? Can you send me screen prints?” every 10 minutes.
All this first happened to me so I made George the administrator and used his credentials. Now, neither of us can publish anything. We both get 503 errors 100% of the time no matter what devices we use or where we are. Incognito used to work, but it doesn’t anymore. All we can do is approve and reply to comments. We can’t enter or change profiles.
For me, it has been several weeks at this point. For George, it happened recently when I made him an administrator thinking I could use his credentials. (He used to be an author.) When I changed his role, all his stories defaulted to me but I haven’t written anything for a very long time.
Go Daddy says, “Your site’s up so we don’t have to do anything.” But we can’t publish anything! How is that being “up”?
I asked, can you do an FTP? No. What about a compare? No. Can you replace the files I gave you? (I have a list of them.) No. Can you at least get rid of the custom plugins? (Why in the world would anyone need a custom plug in? There are legitimate options out there for everything, but that’s how it arrived.) Their solution was to give me links to documentation. I’m not a developer! It’s way over my head. I am not going to try to fix their files! If Wordfence won’t touch it (after I gave them $500), why would I want touch it?! (Got a partial refund back.)
I tell them, “Yes, I cleared the cache. Yes, I disabled all the plugins that I could. Yes, I deleted the themes I’m not using. Yes, I deleted all the subscribers and sent them password resets (which you probably didn’t get).” Our site is seemingly healthy.
It took months, but we finally got WordPress’ new release. It hasn’t helped.
I think we’ve been hacked because (1) George used to be able to get on when I couldn’t and now he can’t, (2) I could use incognito for several months, now I can’t, (3) the 503 error happens 100% of the time when I try to publish anything no matter where I am or what device I use and yet I have no trouble approving or replying to comments. It’s just a bogus message (probably tied to our profiles) to stop us from from writing. Sometimes, we don’t even see the “Log In” option at the bottom of the page. The message part covers it. Plus, our logo on the banner changed suddenly several months ago. Just popped up. Someone is in our system.
I’m afraid to ask what you all are experiencing out there.
I used to think computers were the greatest
thieves of time ever to trouble mankind.
It seems I was perhaps not specific enough.
Computers driven by malicious gremlins
are by the greatest margin worse!
You have my prayers.
I know. I hate Go Daddy, too. I’m going to be talking to someone later today about getting our own server. –
Trump fired the Department of Homeland Security Committee who I believe were the ones who put us on that hit list to the Senate. We should be a little safer in the future. It makes me sick how much data we lost.
I found some evidence that WordPress may have been involved in targeting people who were in the Jericho March that we went to. If you try to go to their website, ( you get a weird message: There has been a critical error on this website. Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress. Since when does WordPress get “critical errors” that go unresolved?
Trump signed the following executive order which will help as well (assuming we survive whatever payback they have planned.):
January 20, 2025
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Purpose. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution, an amendment essential to the success of our Republic, enshrines the right of the American people to speak freely in the public square without Government interference. Over the last 4 years, the previous administration trampled free speech rights by censoring Americans’ speech on online platforms, often by exerting substantial coercive pressure on third parties, such as social media companies, to moderate, deplatform, or otherwise suppress speech that the Federal Government did not approve. Under the guise of combatting “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “malinformation,” the Federal Government infringed on the constitutionally protected speech rights of American citizens across the United States in a manner that advanced the Government’s preferred narrative about significant matters of public debate. Government censorship of speech is intolerable in a free society.
Sec. 2. Policy. It is the policy of the United States to: (a) secure the right of the American people to engage in constitutionally protected speech;
(b) ensure that no Federal Government officer, employee, or agent engages in or facilitates any conduct that would unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen;
(c) ensure that no taxpayer resources are used to engage in or facilitate any conduct that would unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen; and
(d) identify and take appropriate action to correct past misconduct by the Federal Government related to censorship of protected speech.
Sec. 3. Ending Censorship of Protected Speech. (a) No Federal department, agency, entity, officer, employee, or agent may act or use any Federal resources in a manner contrary to section 2 of this order.
(b) The Attorney General, in consultation with the heads of executive departments and agencies, shall investigate the activities of the Federal Government over the last 4 years that are inconsistent with the purposes and policies of this order and prepare a report to be submitted to the President, through the Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, with recommendations for appropriate remedial actions to be taken based on the findings of the report.
Sec. 4. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
January 20, 2025.
George Michalopulos says
Larry Johnson reminding us about the West’s war against Orthodoxy:
Brendan says
*In California, we’ve vaccinated more elderly people with the
COVID vaccine than there are elderly people in the state*
Steve Kirsch: “And we’re not the only state to have accomplished this feat. New
Hampshire is the US leader vaccinating 50% more people than there are people!”
‘ There’s a vaccine database kept by the CDC for each county in the US.
If you add up all the first doses administered to those over 65 in California, as of 1/4/2022, you find that 6,305,787 elderly got the shot.
There’s just one teeny weenie little problem.
The 2021 population of those over 65 in California was just 5,957,092.
So in California, we’ve vaccinated 3% more people than there are people.
And we’re not the only state where they’ve vaccinated more elderly people for COVID than there are elderly people in the state.
Florida, Maine, North Carolina, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and South Dakota all were able to vaccinate more people than people.
New Hampshire sets the standard for how to roll out vaccination to the elderly giving first doses to 50% more elderly people than there are in the state
New Hampshire deserves the credit for vaccinating over 50% more elderly people in the state than there are elderly in the state (401,119 over 65 vaccinated vs. an elderly population of 267,521).
You can’t make this stuff up. You really can’t.
Surely, these states should be acknowledged for having an amazingly successful COVID vaccine program? There should be a special Biden Award for this. … ‘
One commenter suggests billing fraud
may have something to do with this…
Gail Sheppard says
The False Claims Act (FCA). They should charge whoever reported it. Can you imagine a world where reporters could be fined to misrepresenting the truth? It wouldn’t be a perfect world, but it definitely would be a better world.
George Michalopulos says
Hopefully, the whole “preemptive pardon” theory will be taken to the Supreme Court. Hopefully they will rule that it is a nullity.
Gail Sheppard says
Preemptive pardons are legal and have been upheld by the Supreme Court, but they must apply to past crimes, not future crimes. Additionally, they could be challenged if issued for corrupt reasons. “Past” crimes would need to be identified as crimes to be considered pardonable. In Fauci’s case, he wasn’t convicted of any past crimes. The pardon covers him from January 1, 2014, to January 20, 2025. But a case could be made, if there was a crime in the beginning with wide-spread use of the mRNA vaccines with unacceptable side effects, particularly in Pfizer’s case, as they only tested 170 people according to the executive summary they handed to the FDA for emergency use. Fauci was the spokesperson who advised President Trump, as well as many presidents before him. That was his role in public health. He supported the vaccines and they are still being disseminated. Feb 1 is the future in terms of the pardon. If it was a crime that was pardon until January 20, it would seem to me he could be charged now. The pardon may have been given to give some of these people a chance to run. But with our technology, I doubt they can hide. – Plus, if he is convicted of an international crime, the pardon would not protect against global prosecution.
In terms of the press, think of the damage they did to President Trump. The press can be held legally accountable if they knowingly publish information that is harmful to individuals or the public. In the United States, such accountability primarily arises through defamation laws, which address false statements that damage a person’s reputation. Remember when Trump spoke about Hydroxychloroquine? They accuse him of being responsible for a woman who got the name wrong and drank her fish tank water (which I have read never happened). Remember when he mentioned Ivermectin. They accused him of recommending horse medicine. Their animosity was palatable. It got to the point where I would do anything he recommended, just because I mistrusted anything the MSM that much. The press acted like rabid animals when it came to President Trump. I’m obviously not the only one who feels this way. In a very real sense, the MSM helped to tank Harris, the candidate they thought was the “be all” to “end all”, BECAUSE THEY WERE SO WRONG ABOUT TRUMP, NO ONE TRUSTED THEM. Their numbers plummeted. If I were in charge, people like Rachel Maddow would be in jail, along with “The View!”
Defamation involves:
False and Defamatory Statement: A statement that is both untrue and injurious to someone’s reputation.
Publication: The statement must be communicated to a third party.
Fault: Depending on the context, the publisher must have acted negligently or with actual malice.Damages: The subject of the statement must suffer harm as a result.
Brendan says
“Despite Biden Pardon, Fauci Still Faces Legal Perils. Here They Are.”
By Paul D. Thacker, RealClearInvestigations
January 20, 2025
‘ President Biden’s pardon of Dr. Anthony Fauci may protect the former National Institutes of Health official from immediate criminal prosecution, but some critics say he is not completely out of legal jeopardy and that public sentiment might still condemn the man who became known during the COVID-19 pandemic as “Mr. Science.” …
Richard Ebright, a professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University and co-founder of Biosafety Now, said that Fauci should have been prosecuted for “criminal conspiracy” for his secret involvement in the “proximal origin” paper. Ebright added that the grant Fauci gave to Andersen after he published the paper likely also involved criminal behavior.
With Republicans running both the Senate and House, investigations of Fauci will likely continue as members resume digging into any NIH culpability in funding research that started the pandemic. Trump’s CIA nominee, John Ratcliffe, told House members during a 2023 hearing that classified intelligence points toward a lab accident. Ratcliffe is likely to be confirmed, and a Trump transition team source said he would likely then declassify that information, further undermining Fauci’s claims that the pandemic started from a natural spillover.
Ongoing investigations of Fauci, RCI has been told, will only further erode his credibility, even if criminal charges can no longer be filed. “This pardon means he can no longer be brought to justice,” said an adviser to the Trump transition team. “But it guarantees he will be further exposed.” … ‘
Gail Sheppard says
He’s already getting death threats. He cried a little as he was testifying over all that. When you ask for a pardon, you have to tell them what you want to be pardoned for which can open up a can of worms for them. He’ll never work in his field again.
I saw Roger Stone’s name on a list. What did he do now? – You guys are going to be hit with some serious weather. We’ll be praying for you. It looks like Trump has been doing something with the people in your neck of the woods to get rid of the intelligence community. That’s good.
Brendan says
Looks like it will be a windy morning…
*Julie Felix – Windy Morning – Live 1974*
[Video – 02:28]
Gail Sheppard says
I can’t see the video, but it’s probably fierce looking. Well, I’m fierce, too, and sending all sorts of prayers and “whatever I have that is for your benefit” your way.
Brendan says
Actually, it’s a gentle video of Julie
singing to a small live audience
and playing accoustic guitar.
In my personal pantheon of female singers, Julie Felix
is right up there with Kathleen Battle and Joan Baez.
Indeed the older I get, the better Julie sounds.
As for the weather here, the trains are all cancelled.
But I’ve seen worse. And thanks for the prayers!
Gail Sheppard says
Still OK???
Brendan says
I’m fine, thanks.
Sadly a few people were killed
but very few as most took precautions.
However, one cafe owner in Glasgow did not.
He defied the elements by opening for business.
But even he closed up again shortly thereafter
as the wind severely damaged the shop,
ripping off the whole frontage and
scattering it to the winds
(as JFK might have said).
But this is really all small beer
compared to anything that you folks
experienced in the Carolinas or Florida.
The size of the Atlantic gives us good cushion.
Gail Sheppard says
I’m glad you’re OK. A few people is better than a lot to be sure. But pain is pain and we all feel it when anyone suffers.
Now planes are falling out of the sky. Don’t know if this is true, but apparently blackhawks can be intercepted remotely. Just like our cars.
Brian says
As much as I would like to see Fauci’s crimes fully exposed, I am not holding my breath.
Why? Because exposing his crimes also exposes the United States’ responsibility for the worldwide pandemic, as Fauci did not – and indeed could not – have acted alone. Fully exposing his crimes also exposes the involvement of the DOD, CIA, and other state agencies, and I am doubtful that this will ever be allowed to be made public “in the interest of National security,” of course.
Does anyone imagine that the U.S. will ever accept responsibility before the entire world? I certainly don’t. They may find a way to make Fauci a scapegoat, but the truth of all his and other’s crimes will never come to light in this life.
Gail Sheppard says
There is no such thing as a preemptive pardon, which Fauci points out even as he accepts it. This is all a ruse so we won’t be looking for Trump to chop off his head just yet. The world has to levy their own collective punishment. It wouldn’t be right for just us Americans to have all the fun.
Fauci is a seriously bad guy.
Plus, I continue to believe that Biden isn’t “Biden.” Whoever he is, he works for the white hats because he kept executive order 13848 going for 4 years. Plus, he was enormously entertaining. The real Biden was a braggadocious bore. This Biden was hilarious. I loved it when he said, “We have put together the most extensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization in the . . .” It was too funny and he said it too often to be a mistake, once walking off a rural stage asking his handlers, “Did I do that OK?” with a big smile on his face. – And the bike thing, his legs looking nothing like an 80-year-old man’s, feeling around for the toe clip, or whatever they call it these days, so he could stage a fall. . . Or when he fell up the stairs. . . There are just too many wonderful moments to be dismissed.,vid:dSm7bjGjEwM,st:0
Ronda Wintheiser says
I’m so sorry this is happening!
Someone does NOT want you two talking.
Gail Sheppard says
Seems so.
Lina says
Greetings! The 1914 article is the last one I have
bob karpodinis says
Marie says
I can’t get all the comments and surely you have had another page other than Merry Christmas this month of January. Hope you can get it fixed. I miss you terribly.
Gail Sheppard says
We miss you, too, Marie! And yes, Bob, specifically George and I are having technical difficulties. (Thanks for using your own good Greek name!)
Our role as administrators has been corrupted. We can’t publish anything.
Was on the phone 7 HOURS with Go Daddy last night. All that test stuff is them, not us. 28 pages of documentation of pure insanity.
We have 5 core file issues according to Wordfence and they say Go Daddy, as the hosting provider, needs to fix them.
Go Daddy says, “Hi how can I help you? Can you send me screen prints?” every 10 minutes.
All this first happened to me so I made George the administrator and used his credentials. Now, neither of us can publish anything. We both get 503 errors 100% of the time no matter what devices we use or where we are. Incognito used to work, but it doesn’t anymore. All we can do is approve and reply to comments. We can’t enter or change profiles.
For me, it has been several weeks at this point. For George, it happened recently when I made him an administrator thinking I could use his credentials. (He used to be an author.) When I changed his role, all his stories defaulted to me but I haven’t written anything for a very long time.
Go Daddy says, “Your site’s up so we don’t have to do anything.” But we can’t publish anything! How is that being “up”?
I asked, can you do an FTP? No. What about a compare? No. Can you replace the files I gave you? (I have a list of them.) No. Can you at least get rid of the custom plugins? (Why in the world would anyone need a custom plug in? There are legitimate options out there for everything, but that’s how it arrived.) Their solution was to give me links to documentation. I’m not a developer! It’s way over my head. I am not going to try to fix their files! If Wordfence won’t touch it (after I gave them $500), why would I want touch it?! (Got a partial refund back.)
I tell them, “Yes, I cleared the cache. Yes, I disabled all the plugins that I could. Yes, I deleted the themes I’m not using. Yes, I deleted all the subscribers and sent them password resets (which you probably didn’t get).” Our site is seemingly healthy.
It took months, but we finally got WordPress’ new release. It hasn’t helped.
I think we’ve been hacked because (1) George used to be able to get on when I couldn’t and now he can’t, (2) I could use incognito for several months, now I can’t, (3) the 503 error happens 100% of the time when I try to publish anything no matter where I am or what device I use and yet I have no trouble approving or replying to comments. It’s just a bogus message (probably tied to our profiles) to stop us from from writing. Sometimes, we don’t even see the “Log In” option at the bottom of the page. The message part covers it. Plus, our logo on the banner changed suddenly several months ago. Just popped up. Someone is in our system.
I’m afraid to ask what you all are experiencing out there.
Brendan says
I used to think computers were the greatest
thieves of time ever to trouble mankind.
It seems I was perhaps not specific enough.
Computers driven by malicious gremlins
are by the greatest margin worse!
You have my prayers.
Gail Sheppard says
Malicious is accurate.
Antiochene Son says
Godaddy is truly a trash company.
Might be worth getting a new hosting company and switch the website DNS to the new server.
Gail Sheppard says
I know. I hate Go Daddy, too. I’m going to be talking to someone later today about getting our own server. –
Trump fired the Department of Homeland Security Committee who I believe were the ones who put us on that hit list to the Senate. We should be a little safer in the future. It makes me sick how much data we lost.
I found some evidence that WordPress may have been involved in targeting people who were in the Jericho March that we went to. If you try to go to their website, ( you get a weird message: There has been a critical error on this website. Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress. Since when does WordPress get “critical errors” that go unresolved?
Trump signed the following executive order which will help as well (assuming we survive whatever payback they have planned.):
January 20, 2025
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Purpose. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution, an amendment essential to the success of our Republic, enshrines the right of the American people to speak freely in the public square without Government interference. Over the last 4 years, the previous administration trampled free speech rights by censoring Americans’ speech on online platforms, often by exerting substantial coercive pressure on third parties, such as social media companies, to moderate, deplatform, or otherwise suppress speech that the Federal Government did not approve. Under the guise of combatting “misinformation,” “disinformation,” and “malinformation,” the Federal Government infringed on the constitutionally protected speech rights of American citizens across the United States in a manner that advanced the Government’s preferred narrative about significant matters of public debate. Government censorship of speech is intolerable in a free society.
Sec. 2. Policy. It is the policy of the United States to: (a) secure the right of the American people to engage in constitutionally protected speech;
(b) ensure that no Federal Government officer, employee, or agent engages in or facilitates any conduct that would unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen;
(c) ensure that no taxpayer resources are used to engage in or facilitate any conduct that would unconstitutionally abridge the free speech of any American citizen; and
(d) identify and take appropriate action to correct past misconduct by the Federal Government related to censorship of protected speech.
Sec. 3. Ending Censorship of Protected Speech. (a) No Federal department, agency, entity, officer, employee, or agent may act or use any Federal resources in a manner contrary to section 2 of this order.
(b) The Attorney General, in consultation with the heads of executive departments and agencies, shall investigate the activities of the Federal Government over the last 4 years that are inconsistent with the purposes and policies of this order and prepare a report to be submitted to the President, through the Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy, with recommendations for appropriate remedial actions to be taken based on the findings of the report.
Sec. 4. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or
(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
January 20, 2025.
Thanks for checking in, AS.