It looks like the Democrat Party is getting their excuses ready when their eminently unqualified diversity hire and her emotional support animal bite the dust in November.
Enter stage right: Russia Collusion Hoax 2.0!
Our esteemed Attorney General, Merrick Garland, says that those wascally Wussians are back up to their old tricks again. According to his Department of inJustice, a shadowy cabal of Russian media moguls have been spreading significant wads of money on right-leaning podcasters in order to spread Russian disinformation.
Because people like Tim Pool, Benny Johnson and Dave Rubin use phrases like “inflationary pressures”, “oil prices”, “cost of living” and “immigration pressures on our cities” when discussing the problems that Americans face in their podcasts, they are being accused of being Russian agents. And guess what? If you use these same phrases because you can’t fill up your gas tank, you too may be a Russian agent! Because you see, the reality according to the Democrats is that it’s all rainbows and unicorns.
According to this laughable attempt to resurrect the “muh Russia” hoax, Tenet Media, a division of Russia Today (RT), is being indicted because it gave Lauren Chen (also a podcaster) $10 million to throw around to these and other conservative podcasters. Their alleged goal was to influence the upcoming American election.
Fancy that! Podcasters talking about things that matter to the American people. I guess Garland and his lackeys have never heard of the First Amendment. Oh well.
Mind you, RT also has the right to talk about things that are going on in these United States. So does Al Jazeera, the BBC, and Univision. (Again, there’s that pesky First Amendment!) Admittedly, these news outlets are agents of foreign governments. But for some reason, Garland is nonchalant about Israeli influence in our elections. Cards on the table: these media giants have nothing on the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) as far as influence is concerned.
RT however, is another matter. That’s because in the eyes of our Establishment, the Russians are uniquely evil. And for eighty years now, the American people have been primed to believe that the Commies have been trying to undermine our Republic so might as well use them as our eternal scapegoat.
The trouble is, the Russians are no longer Commies. And they have no interest in undermining our Republic. Thanks to dozens of liberal organizations that have infiltrated every aspect of our society, we’re doing a pretty darn good job of that ourselves. Our very own leftist institutions succeeded in destroying things like patriotism, the nuclear family and social cohesion. So much so, that the Armed Forces cannot meet their recruitment goals.
The Left has not been content with destroying Americana and hollowing out the middle class. They’ve now gone so far as to weaponize the Federal government against ordinary Americans. They’ve turned the FBI on mothers who attend school board meetings into “domestic terrorists”. That goes for Tradcats who attend Latin Rite Masses as well. If you question why so many millions of illegal aliens are allowed to waltz right into our country, you’re probably a Russian agent as well.
I could go on and on. You get the drift.
That said, I am under no illusion that the Harris-Walz ticket can’t “win” the upcoming election. I’m also under no illusion that if they can’t rig the election because they don’t have enough printing machines going “whrrr” that they won’t find some way to make sure Trump doesn’t take office. I mean, they’ve thrown everything against Trump and the kitchen sink. They even tried to assassinate him. But so far, nothing has worked.
Think about it: ever since he descended that golden escalator in Trump Tower eight years ago, it’s been one hoax after another. I won’t bore you with the details as that would take an entire book. You know what I’m talking about.
Almost everything they’ve accused him of has been ephemeral, wispy even. And like most ephemera, they evanesce into the aether when they’re exposed as the baseless lies they are. We’ve become inured to their nonsense. It doesn’t matter, like a cornered rat, they have to come up with something. Might as well bring up Russian interference again.
So what’s the point? If Trump is on his way to winning a free and fair election, the only arrow they have left in their quiver is to silence voices on the Right. Why? Because nobody believes the mainstream media any more.
The aforementioned podcasters (as well as dozens of others) are gaining traction with the public. Their shows regularly outstrip the legacy media; CNN’s ratings are in the gutter. Even “conservative” outlets such as Fox have not recovered since they got rid of Tucker Carlson.
Personally, I don’t care if these podcasters received money from Tenet/RT. It doesn’t matter. There is such a thing as the truth. Everybody has the right to voice their opinions. (Gail and I do it for free.) The First Amendment even protects a braying jackal like Joe Scarborough as he screams into the camera about how “cogent” Joe Biden is. I for one, don’t want to take that right away from him. If nothing else, the comic relief he and his ilk provides is worth its weight in gold.
At any rate, there is something called the First Amendment. That and the Second Amendment are our trump cards.
‘Nuff said.
George Michalopulos says
George Michalopulos says
Looks like the cracks in the Collective West are beginning to widen:
The IMF, one of the mainstays of American global hegemony is starting to negotiate with the Russian Federation.
I imagine it can be due to one of two problems:
1. Russia is close to victory in the Ukraine, or
2. BRICS is setting up their own international financial system, designed to outflank SWIFT.
Gail Sheppard says
BRICS is going to be setting up their own military which will deter disputes ‘country against country’. Fewer wars. The pressure a consolidated bloc like BRICS can impose on any single country is enormous. BRICS came about through an Alliance started by Trump which makes me think if he’s elected president again, we’ll have a place at the table. – They are a powerful. They kept Iran from jumping into the fray. Not sure how long it will last but that they held out this long is a miracle.
George Michalopulos says
We need to hear this now:
George Michalopulos says
Wise words from Alastair Crooke describing why the global elites hate their native populations:
Brendan says
Here is another opinion worth considering…
” The insane recklessness of Collective Biden* ”
‘ Friends, countrymen, lend me your ears…
I cannot say how close we are to midnight on the nuclear war watch. But a Third World War fought at least initially with conventional weapons is now just days, at most weeks away.
I look at what my peers are saying on the most watched youtube channels, and they seem conforted that the Ukraine war is unsustainable for Zelensky’s army given the ongoing massacre of the forces they deployed in their Kursk gambit, today said to be over 10,000 men dead or grievously wounded. Meanwhile the Russian offensive in Donbass is reported both by Russians and by Western media to be accelerating, with more towns being captured each day and the number of square kilometers of Ukrainian territory ‘liberated’ there in the past month already roughly matching the 1,000 that Ukrainian elite forces captured in Russia’s Kursk oblast over the same period. Of course, these two conquests are incomparable: the Ukrainians have a tenuous hold on land they cannot fortify so as to keep given that their supply lines from the border are under constant deadly attack from the air and from Russian artillery, whereas the Russian advance along the Donbass battle lines is pulverizing long standing Ukrainian fortified positions and is about to totally disrupt the logistics that permit the Ukrainian forces to stay in the Donbass.
These same peers have highlighted the destruction of Ukraine’s best present and future cadres in electronic warfare by Russia’s missile strike this past week on the military communications institute in Poltava which is today said to have killed 700 Ukrainian and NATO personnel.
However, this seeming turning point in Russia’s favor is, as we speak, setting the stage for one further absolutely desperate and reckless act by the Biden administration to deprive Russia of its well earned victory by escalating the conflict to a world war.
What I have in mind is the near certainty that the United States and Britain have just agreed to give the Zelensky regime permission to use the long-range missiles which have been delivered to Ukraine, certainly including Storm Shadow and likely also the 1500 km range stealth missile known as JASSM to strike deep into the Russian heartland, and so ‘to bring the war to Russia’ as the Zelensky gang put it.
That is the sense of the trip this week by Secretary of State Blinken to Kiev and of the visit to the White House on Friday by British Prime Minister Starmer.
Collective Biden is doing this in the full knowledge that the Russians have issued direct threats of attack on the United States and other countries involved in strikes on its heartland using such Western supplied and directed weapons. However patient and averse to a hot war with NATO President Putin may be, he will have no choice but to rise to the challenge. …
*Collective Biden is the term which Russian talk show hosts have applied to the US leadership given that the presidency assumed a collective form when the physical Joe Biden slipped into deep senility this past couple of years. ‘
©Gilbert Doctorow, 2024
The rest of the article covers the Middle East
and is just as eye-watering as the above…
George Michalopulos says
Then again, we can never forget that our own lying media has long been active in election interence:
CrZyDcn says
After reading this, I’ve come to realize that I’m a wascally wussian!
How do get on one of them malcontent lists? I’ve always wanted to be on one🤪
Gail Sheppard says
Just keep writing!
Petros says
Putin saying he hopes that Kamala wins is honestly the best trolling ever lol
If Putin had said the same about Trump the media would have non-stop barraged him about it. Putin saying the same thing about Kamala and it’s radio silence
GeorgeS says
Interestingly the strategy is so similar to the Soviet method of explaining away all domestic failures as the result of foreign intervention.
We hearken back to the Prompartiya show trial in 1930 that Stalin engineered in order to explain away the abysmal failure of the command economy he was transitioning to. The accused were forced to confess that they were used by foreign powers in order to bring about a collapse of the Soviet economy. This show trial was filmed and foreign observers like Bernard Shaw were invited as spectators. Most of the accused were given death sentences, then the supreme Soviet knocked down most of the sentences to various forms of incarceration as a sign of “Soviet clemency”.
Stalin did this intentionally in order to encourage denouncements in order to send the message that betraying someone can save your skin. Further trials showed this was, in fact, a false hope.
Merrick Garland, who once had ambitions of being a supreme court justice, is hanging on desperately to his position in hopes he can continue to serve the new administration as once Yezhov did for Stalin as head of the NKVD.
While the three letter agencies may not engage in physical torture, it’s enough to throw someone in jail and refuse them bail to get them to comply. There are enough nasty characters in a federal pen that will torture any bespectacled humanitarian to the point that they’ll denounce anyone if the US attorney offers them a plea bargain. It’s amazing how the script repeats…
Brendan says
“Merrick Garland, who once had ambitions of being a supreme court justice, is hanging on desperately to his position in hopes he can continue to serve the new administration as once Yezhov did for Stalin as head of the NKVD. … ”
‘ Yezhov organized mass arrests, torture and executions during the Great Purge, but he fell from Stalin’s favour and was arrested, subsequently admitting in a confession to a range of anti-Soviet activity including “unfounded arrests” during the Purge. He was executed in 1940 along with others who were blamed for the Purge. ‘
George Michalopulos says
As much as I’m angry at Cocaine Mitch, he did keep Garland off of SCOTUS. (And in so doing, energized the GOP base to come out and vote for Trump in 2016.)
Getting back to the original point, I can’t imagine how worse off we’d be today if Garland had made it on to the Court.